Is Broadchurch on Netflix Australia In 2024?
Unfortunately, Broadchurch is not available on Netflix Australia as of 2024 due to conflicting licensing agreements. However, Broadchurch still can be accessed in Australia on Netflix when using a VPN service.
In short, a VPN allows you to change your “digital location” so you can access 15+ Netflix libraries (USA, UK, JPN, etc) and unblock 10,000+ movies and TV shows like Broadchurch on Netflix in Australia! 🤯
How To Watch Broadchurch On Netflix In Australia
To start watching Broadchurch on Netflix in Australia, you can view our step-by-step instructions below which uses ExpressVPN (our #1 recommendation) for unblocking Netflix regions. 🍿
1. Visit ExpressVPN and create an account
2. Download and install the software (works for Mac, PC, iOS)
3. Select a Netflix location from the below list
4. Refresh your browser
5. You can now watch Broadchurch in Australia on Netflix!
Which Netflix Libraries Have Broadchurch Available?
Below are some of the many locations where you can still watch Broadchurch on Netflix from Australia:
- Belgium (3 Seasons)
- Canada (3 Seasons)
- Czech Republic (3 Seasons)
- Germany (3 Seasons)
- Greece (3 Seasons)
- Hungary (3 Seasons)
- India (3 Seasons)
- Israel (3 Seasons)
- Lithuania (3 Seasons)
- Malaysia (3 Seasons)
- Poland (3 Seasons)
- Romania (3 Seasons)
- Russia (3 Seasons)
- Singapore (3 Seasons)
- Slovakia (3 Seasons)
- Switzerland (3 Seasons)
- Thailand (3 Seasons)
- Turkey (3 Seasons)
- United States (3 Seasons)
- South Korea (2 Seasons)
- South Africa (1 Season)
If you are still having trouble watching Broadchurch on Netflix, you can also check out our comprehensive step by step guide here on how to watch various Netflix locations in Australia! 😀
Why Is Broadchurch Not Available On Netflix Australia?
Broadchurch is not available on Netflix Australia as of 2024 due to conflicting licensing agreements with Australian TV networks and streaming services. While Broadchurch might come to Netflix Australia in the future, this is quite unlikely as other networks (e.g. Binge, Stan, Foxtel, Fetch, Amazon Prime) may acquire the rights before Netflix.
Broadchurch Synopsis
Detectives investigate the murder of a boy in a sleepy seaside town.
Starring: David Tennant, Olivia Colman, Jodie Whittaker